SIES Cadet College Kakul Abbottabad

Nelore city near PMA post office, Abbottabad




The main aims of discipline at SIES is to enable the students to:

  • Grow into self-directed, self-motivated and self-disciplined individuals.
  • Take greater responsibility in observance of school rules and regulations, the Academics and their health on themselves.


It is imperative upon each student to adhere to the following guiding principle.


  • Respectful and co-operative towards administration, teachers and parents.
  • Polite in their interaction.
  • Helpful and sociable towards their fellows.
  • Disciplined in the school premises.

Must not do:

  • Involve in any act of immortality and dishonesty.
  • Involve in any kind of vandalism.
  • Indulge in any kind of encroachment.
  • Offers gifts or other facilities to teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Ask students who are junior to them to do their personal chores and errands or use their personal items.
  • Smoke or consume alcohol and narcotics
  • Misuse the internet.
  • Be properly dressed in school as per season.
  • Have a neat and tidy haircut and maintain a hygiene length of hair. Dyeing of hair and exaggerated hairstyles are prohibited.
  • Never wear jewellery in the school.

Cleanliness: Students should be:

  • Tidy and clean and take a bath daily.
  • Careful in keeping their belongings and their surroundings neat.

Academics: Academics progress is the Centre of all curricular activities. Therefore, students must be:

  • Serious and ready for learning
  • Efficient in doing their assignments.

Services: Various services are provided to facilitate the learning environment. Students are, therefore required to:

  • Take care while using IT labs, libraries, washrooms and other school property.
  • Remain disciplined at the tuck shop.

Examination: Examination and test are indicators of the strengths and weakness of the students. Any student absenting him/herself from an examination or any portion thereof, without the permission of the Principle, is liable to be expelled from the school, Re-admission will depend on satisfactory and sufficient justification for the absence. Students should:

  • Be sincere in taking exams and tests.
  • Not believe in shortcuts and unfair means.

Instructions for students: In connection with the SIES discipline, it must be in the knowledge of all students that:

  • No student is allowed to settle his /her disputes in their own capacity. All serious disciplinary cases will be discussed in the School Council and in extreme cases may lead to expulsion from the school.
  • The School Council will take serious action against those who verbally abuse a person based on his/her caste, religion, mother tongue, region, nationality, social and economic status, psychological or mental disability.
  • In case of any complaint, the Principal/Administrator may be approached.
  • In case of any academic problem, the Academic Coordinator should be consulted.

Instruction for Parents/Guardians: It must be in the knowledge of the parents/guardians that:

  • They are not allowed to meet their children during the school hours.
  • Parents-Teacher meetings are held frequently. Their presence in the meetings is in the best interest of the students and the institution.
  • They must ensure that the home assignments of their children are complete and regular.
  • Any suggestions for improving the quality of education and services being provided to the students are:


  • Students must follow all the rules and regulations of the hostel and abbey the instructions of the staff appointed.
  • Maintain a friendly atmosphere.
  • Be disciplined and do not use harsh language.
  • Helpful each other in studies and in other affairs.
  • Never tell a lie and be straight forward.
  • Always promote a healthy competition among yourselves and achieve the objectives of studying at SIES.
  • Make use of every available facility and try to speak English to enhance your communication skills.
  • Always throw rubbish in the dust bins.
  • Brush your teeth before going to bed and proper attention must be paid to personal hygiene.
  • Offer prayers regularly.
  • No disturbance shall be tolerated during preps and at the end of the preps students must disperse quietly.
  • No shouting and talking when the boys are in the dining hall.
  • Dress must be clean, well ironed and shoes well-polished and undergarments must be kept clean.
  • Boys must be punctual for all activities and should be ready five minutes before time.
  • Students must greet their teachers, elders, and visitors very smartly and respectfully.
  • Strict discipline is to be maintained in the Hostels, Classrooms, Dining Hall and Study/T.V Room.
  • House spirit is always to be maintained. No boy is allowed to stay in his room at the Games or P.T Time.
  • No efforts should be spared in raising the prestige of the Hostel and SIES manners and morals.
  • Use of other language is permitted except English and Urdu.
  • Students are not allowed to keep cars, motorcycles, or any other vehicles in or around the hostel premises.
  • Students should put off the lights and fans while leaving the room.
  • Students are not allowed to keep any weapon, even if licensed. Violation of this rule renders a student liable to expulsion from the institution, in addition to any criminal proceedings that may be instituted against him under the law.
  • Not to keep cash and other valuable articles in their rooms.
  • Use of mobile is strictly disallowed at SIES.
  • Parents are allowed to visit the students once a month only.
  • No unauthorized person is allowed to visit/meet any boy in the Hostel premises without the prior permission of the warden.
  • Parents may call and speak to their children from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekends.
  • Weekend/Out pass may be availed only with permission of Housemaster/Warden.
  • Boys are to keep their Beds, Cup-boards and Corridors perfectly done up and clean.
  • No electrical appliance are allowed.
  • A student who breaks or damages any property shall have to pay the cost of the article, I add to any disciplinary action that may be taken against him.
  • The furniture assigned to a room shall not be shifted from it and shall not occupy any accommodation without authorized allotment.


Only parents/authorized guardians and real siblings can visit a student in the hostel as per the following schedule.

  • Sundays and Holidays 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
  • Record of the visitors will be maintained.
  • Visitor’s overnight stay in hostel is strictly prohibited.
  • Day Scholars of the SIES or friends are not allowed to visit the hostel.


  • No students will be allowed to leave the hostel, even on weekends, or other holidays without permission.
  • The students may visit only those guardians and relatives who have been approved by the parents in guardians list provided to SIES.
  • In case there is any delay regarding students on leave in their return, the hostel authorities must be informed.


  • Timings for the meals will be followed strictly. Food will not be served to the latecomers.



The main aims of discipline at SIES is to enable the students to:

  • Grow into self-directed, self-motivated and self-disciplined individuals.
  • Take greater responsibility in observance of school rules and regulations, the Academics and their health on themselves.


It is imperative upon each student to adhere to the following guiding principle.


  • Respectful and co-operative towards administration, teachers and parents.
  • Polite in their interaction.
  • Helpful and sociable towards their fellows.
  • Disciplined in the school premises.

Must not do:

  • Involve in any act of immortality and dishonesty.
  • Involve in any kind of vandalism.
  • Indulge in any kind of encroachment.
  • Offers gifts or other facilities to teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Ask students who are junior to them to do their personal chores and errands or use their personal items.
  • Smoke or consume alcohol and narcotics
  • Misuse the internet.


  • Be properly dressed in school as per season.
  • Have a neat and tidy haircut and maintain a hygiene length of hair. Dyeing of hair and exaggerated hairstyles are prohibited.
  • Never wear jewellery in the school.

Cleanliness: Students should be:

  • Tidy and clean and take a bath daily.
  • Careful in keeping their belongings and their surroundings neat.

Academics: Academics progress is the Centre of all curricular activities. Therefore, students must be:

  • Serious and ready for learning
  • Efficient in doing their assignments.

Services: Various services are provided to facilitate the learning environment. Students are, therefore required to:

  • Take care while using IT labs, libraries, washrooms and other school property.
  • Remain disciplined at the tuck shop.

Examination: Examination and test are indicators of the strengths and weakness of the students. Any student absenting him/herself from an examination or any portion thereof, without the permission of the Principle, is liable to be expelled from the school, Re-admission will depend on satisfactory and sufficient justification for the absence. Students should:

  • Be sincere in taking exams and tests.
  • Not believe in shortcuts and unfair means.

Instructions for students: In connection with the SIES discipline, it must be in the knowledge of all students that:

  • No student is allowed to settle his /her disputes in their own capacity. All serious disciplinary cases will be discussed in the School Council and in extreme cases may lead to expulsion from the school.
  • The School Council will take serious action against those who verbally abuse a person based on his/her caste, religion, mother tongue, region, nationality, social and economic status, psychological or mental disability.
  • In case of any complaint, the Principal/Administrator may be approached.
  • In case of any academic problem, the Academic Coordinator should be consulted.

Instruction for Parents/Guardians: It must be in the knowledge of the parents/guardians that:

  • They are not allowed to meet their children during the school hours.
  • Parents-Teacher meetings are held frequently. Their presence in the meetings is in the best interest of the students and the institution.
  • They must ensure that the home assignments of their children are complete and regular.
  • Any suggestions for improving the quality of education and services being provided to the students are:


  • Students must follow all the rules and regulations of the hostel and abbey the instructions of the staff appointed.
  • Maintain a friendly atmosphere.
  • Be disciplined and do not use harsh language.
  • Helpful each other in studies and in other affairs.
  • Never tell a lie and be straight forward.
  • Always promote a healthy competition among yourselves and achieve the objectives of studying at SIES.
  • Make use of every available facility and try to speak English to enhance your communication skills.
  • Always throw rubbish in the dust bins.
  • Brush your teeth before going to bed and proper attention must be paid to personal hygiene.
  • Offer prayers regularly.
  • No disturbance shall be tolerated during preps and at the end of the preps students must disperse quietly.
  • No shouting and talking when the boys are in the dining hall.
  • Dress must be clean, well ironed and shoes well-polished and undergarments must be kept clean.
  • Boys must be punctual for all activities and should be ready five minutes before time.
  • Students must greet their teachers, elders, and visitors very smartly and respectfully.
  • Strict discipline is to be maintained in the Hostels, Classrooms, Dining Hall and Study/T.V Room.
  • House spirit is always to be maintained. No boy is allowed to stay in his room at the Games or P.T Time.
  • No efforts should be spared in raising the prestige of the Hostel and SIES manners and morals.
  • Use of other language is permitted except English and Urdu.
  • Students are not allowed to keep cars, motorcycles, or any other vehicles in or around the hostel premises.
  • Students should put off the lights and fans while leaving the room.
  • Students are not allowed to keep any weapon, even if licensed. Violation of this rule renders a student liable to expulsion from the institution, in addition to any criminal proceedings that may be instituted against him under the law.
  • Not to keep cash and other valuable articles in their rooms.
  • Use of mobile is strictly disallowed at SIES.
  • Parents are allowed to visit the students once a month only.
  • No unauthorized person is allowed to visit/meet any boy in the Hostel premises without the prior permission of the warden.
  • Parents may call and speak to their children from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekends.
  • Weekend/Out pass may be availed only with permission of Housemaster/Warden.
  • Boys are to keep their Beds, Cup-boards and Corridors perfectly done up and clean.
  • No electrical appliance are allowed.
  • A student who breaks or damages any property shall have to pay the cost of the article, I add to any disciplinary action that may be taken against him.
  • The furniture assigned to a room shall not be shifted from it and shall not occupy any accommodation without authorized allotment.


Only parents/authorized guardians and real siblings can visit a student in the hostel as per the following schedule.

  • Sundays and Holidays 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
  • Record of the visitors will be maintained.
  • Visitor’s overnight stay in hostel is strictly prohibited.
  • Day Scholars of the SIES or friends are not allowed to visit the hostel.


  • No students will be allowed to leave the hostel, even on weekends, or other holidays without permission.
  • The students may visit only those guardians and relatives who have been approved by the parents in guardians list provided to SIES.
  • In case there is any delay regarding students on leave in their return, the hostel authorities must be informed.


  • Timings for the meals will be followed strictly. Food will not be served to the latecomers.