SIES Cadet College Kakul Abbottabad

Nelore city near PMA post office, Abbottabad



SIES environment is the thread that connects the multitude of activities. It is a safe clean and well-maintained school with a positive psychosocial climate and culture that foster school connectedness, which in turn boosts students and staff health as well as student’s educational achievement.

Children who are unwell at school or suffer minor injuries are treated by trained staff members in the school Sick Bay because of the following reasons children are sent to Sick Bay:

  1. * Illness occurring during class time.
  2. * Having minor cut/graze.
  3. * An accident in the playground
  4. * Felling unwell at school.

Healthy and safe students are better able to learn than those who feel unsafe or have unaddressed health issues. Health care is an important element of SIES so that:

  1. * Students have the necessary nursing care to maximize their ability to learn effectively.
  2. * To give first aid during sporting /non-sporting events, after accidents or sudden illness, arrange transport and refer to suitable medical support.
  3. * To promote a healthy lifestyle so that students can make informed choices concerning physical, social and psychological health.
  4. * Supporting students who may have difficulties of any kind while at school.
  5. * Enable students with temporary disability to access lessons with minimal disruption to the student’s education.


SIES environment is the thread that connects the multitude of activities. It is a safe clean and well-maintained school with a positive psychosocial climate and culture that foster school connectedness, which in turn boosts students and staff health as well as student’s educational achievement.

Children who are unwell at school or suffer minor injuries are treated by trained staff members in the school Sick Bay because of the following reasons children are sent to Sick Bay:

  1. * Illness occurring during class time.
  2. * Having minor cut/graze.
  3. * An accident in the playground
  4. * Felling unwell at school.

Healthy and safe students are better able to learn than those who feel unsafe or have unaddressed health issues. Health care is an important element of SIES so that:

  1. * Students have the necessary nursing care to maximize their ability to learn effectively.
  2. * To give first aid during sporting /non-sporting events, after accidents or sudden illness, arrange transport and refer to suitable medical support.
  3. * To promote a healthy lifestyle so that students can make informed choices concerning physical, social and psychological health.
  4. * Supporting students who may have difficulties of any kind while at school.
  5. * Enable students with temporary disability to access lessons with minimal disruption to the student’s education.