SIES Cadet College Kakul Abbottabad

Nelore city near PMA post office, Abbottabad



Montessori is an educational approach based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, a philosophy that believes in respecting the whole child. She believed that teachers act as facilitators between the children and the prepared environment. SIES provides such an environment containing specially designed materials that are self-correction, encourage learning through the senses and introduce abstract concepts to children in a concrete manner. Children are free to explore and make their own choice in the prepared environment, able to examine activities through the senses, free to work at their own pace, thus developing concentration and self-discipline.


Montessori is an educational approach based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, a philosophy that believes in respecting the whole child. She believed that teachers act as facilitators between the children and the prepared environment. SIES provides such an environment containing specially designed materials that are self-correction, encourage learning through the senses and introduce abstract concepts to children in a concrete manner. Children are free to explore and make their own choice in the prepared environment, able to examine activities through the senses, free to work at their own pace, thus developing concentration and self-discipline.