SIES Cadet College Kakul Abbottabad

Nelore city near PMA post office, Abbottabad



The activities of any school take place in an environment that is imbued with a particular vision implemented through the triangle comprising the child, parents and the teacher. Vision individuals but more importantly the betterment of humanity.

Children are the promise and guarantee of the future. Children bear the seeds of the character of future society and are in need of the best guidance and training.

Parents are the primary educators of a child. Parents exercise a crucial influence through the home environment they consciously create.

Teacher is the role model and a guide. The role of a teacher is to effect a positive transition by enabling a child to utilize whatever latent skills and abilities are within, to reach the highest level of achievement.

Education is the indispensable foundation of all human excellence. Education is crucial to the realization of the true human and to enable individual to render meritorious services to the society and beyond.


To provide an environment that helps children develop four key qualities

  • * Academic Excellence
  • * Discipline
  • * Creativity
  • * Clear Thinking

We believe in the ability of all students to succeed. Our school is built on the vision that academic achievements come through the combination of critical thinking and hard work. We create in our students a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which form that basis of all knowledge and advancement.


Honesty Truth —- Core Values —– Commitment Respect— Tolerance Responsibility


A very warm welcome to a place, which offers unique and rich curriculum, in a safe and caring environment, where children and childhood are celebrated, honoured and protected. It is a vibrant community where academic excellence is seamlessly woven into every positive learning experience.

Whether in the classroom or in the playing fields, a child’s day is built around an atmosphere which offers a multidimensional growth and helps students hone their hidden talent and abilities each day. Dedicated, experienced and inspiring faculty helps bring about a health and positive change in the personality of each child.

SIES motto is ‘Pride in Excellence’. The motto and the school’s ethos promote motivation, sense of responsibility and self-improvement. The happiest and most successful students are those who are well motivated and who feel pride in doing things well. As a result, our students attain excellence and a sense of pride, this prepares them to face the ever-growing challenges of a fast-paced world.

Recognition and self-realization leads a child to healthy completion, which is the essence of progress and spice of life. Every year a prize distribution ceremony is held in which not only prizes but scholarships are also given outstanding students.


The computer technology has become an integral part of education which is more than just acquiring knowledge from the prescribed textbooks. Computer education forms a vital part of the entire curriculum and its role in today’s world cannot be denied. Computers facilitate an audio-visual representation of information, thus making the process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education; thus facilitating the process of learning, SIES provides your child the essential computer literacy. Thus efficiently in the right direction. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education, thus facilitating the process of learning. SIES provides your child with the essential computer literacy, thus efficiently propelling their careers, in the right direction.


School library in the 21 century can, and should be a hub for increased student achievement and for a positive and focused school reform.”

SIES library plays a vital role in the educational process -in the enlightenment of student. The library is well-stocked books on various subjects and provides a range of content and learning opportunities for children. The school library also serves as a place for students to do independent work and resulting in the educational growth of the students, it is a central place for satiating intellectual. Curiosity and the wide range of books keep students abreast on culture, literature history. Religion. Science and contemporary issues

“SIES library aims to give every student the opportunity to learn, to enjoy reading and to have more knowledge and understanding.”


The activities of any school take place in an environment that is imbued with a particular vision implemented through the triangle comprising the child, parents and the teacher. Vision individuals but more importantly the betterment of humanity.

Children are the promise and guarantee of the future. Children bear the seeds of the character of future society and are in need of the best guidance and training.

Parents are the primary educators of a child. Parents exercise a crucial influence through the home environment they consciously create.

Teacher is the role model and a guide. The role of a teacher is to effect a positive transition by enabling a child to utilize whatever latent skills and abilities are within, to reach the highest level of achievement.

Education is the indispensable foundation of all human excellence. Education is crucial to the realization of the true human and to enable individual to render meritorious services to the society and beyond.


To provide an environment that helps children develop four key qualities

  • * Academic Excellence
  • * Discipline
  • * Creativity
  • * Clear Thinking

We believe in the ability of all students to succeed. Our school is built on the vision that academic achievements come through the combination of critical thinking and hard work. We create in our students a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which form that basis of all knowledge and advancement.


Honesty Truth —- Core Values —– Commitment Respect— Tolerance Responsibility


A very warm welcome to a place, which offers unique and rich curriculum, in a safe and caring environment, where children and childhood are celebrated, honoured and protected. It is a vibrant community where academic excellence is seamlessly woven into every positive learning experience.

Whether in the classroom or in the playing fields, a child’s day is built around an atmosphere which offers a multidimensional growth and helps students hone their hidden talent and abilities each day. Dedicated, experienced and inspiring faculty helps bring about a health and positive change in the personality of each child.

SIES motto is ‘Pride in Excellence’. The motto and the school’s ethos promote motivation, sense of responsibility and self-improvement. The happiest and most successful students are those who are well motivated and who feel pride in doing things well. As a result, our students attain excellence and a sense of pride, this prepares them to face the ever-growing challenges of a fast-paced world.

Recognition and self-realization leads a child to healthy completion, which is the essence of progress and spice of life. Every year a prize distribution ceremony is held in which not only prizes but scholarships are also given outstanding students.


The computer technology has become an integral part of education which is more than just acquiring knowledge from the prescribed textbooks. Computer education forms a vital part of the entire curriculum and its role in today’s world cannot be denied. Computers facilitate an audio-visual representation of information, thus making the process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education; thus facilitating the process of learning, SIES provides your child the essential computer literacy. Thus efficiently in the right direction. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education, thus facilitating the process of learning. SIES provides your child with the essential computer literacy, thus efficiently propelling their careers, in the right direction.


School library in the 21 century can, and should be a hub for increased student achievement and for a positive and focused school reform.”

SIES library plays a vital role in the educational process -in the enlightenment of student. The library is well-stocked books on various subjects and provides a range of content and learning opportunities for children. The school library also serves as a place for students to do independent work and resulting in the educational growth of the students, it is a central place for satiating intellectual. Curiosity and the wide range of books keep students abreast on culture, literature history. Religion. Science and contemporary issues

“SIES library aims to give every student the opportunity to learn, to enjoy reading and to have more knowledge and understanding.”